National Civil War Centre

We're Turning Our Museum 'Upside Down'

14 June 2019

There are huge changes afoot at the National Civil War Centre as we 'turn our museum upside down' to open two exciting new exhibitions.


From the 24th June our upper galleries will be closed while the new exhibitions are constructed. During this period a reduced admission price (full details of which can be find on our  page) will continue to allow visitors to explore the main Civil War gallery and Newark Museum galleries on the ground floor as well as a sneak peek teaser display which will provide a glimpse into the content and creation of the new exhibitions.

Think 'Fake News' is a recent phenomenenon? Discover the extraordinary history of this centuries-old tradition in Fake News, opening on Friday 26th July. Learn how the chaos and confusion of the Civil War, paired with rising literacy and advances in printing, proved fertile ground for misleading media and uncover the 17th century predecessors of Twitter and filters. Plus, there's the chance to see if you'd make it in the printing profession with a fun interactive.

The second exhibition to open takes its title from the extraordinary transformation triggered by the Civil War. The World Turned Upside Down explores the 17th century's seismic shifts in religion, science, politics and culture. From Friday 6th September, you'll be able to find out just what happened to turn the world from 'right way up' to 'upside down'; examine what it would have been like to plunge into the mayhem of war and emerge into an unfamiliar landscape; and uncover how the pyrmaid of power shifted from God-chosen King on top... to Charles' head on the ground. You'll even get the chance to sign his death warrant yourself.

Exhibition curator Glyn Hughes has been working on The World Turned Upside Down for over 4 years, his inspiration coming from a desire to change the focus of what people think about the Civil War. He says, "people obviously associate the Civil War with battle but what interests me most is the melting pot of ideas; Milton talking about divorce for both men and women, the Levellers discussing democracy, the Putney debates with 'one man, one vote'... these ideas have helped shape the UK today and they're what I want to highlight in this new exhibition".