National Civil War Centre

Primary History Network

A virtual termly meeting of Key Stage 1 and 2 history teachers and subject leaders, supporting subject knowledge, planning and resource creation.

New and experienced teachers of history can find out more about this fascinating and turbulent period, share resources and approaches and gain early access to new National Civil War Centre education programmes.

Email to join in!

Virtual Training Event for teachers in Key Stage 2 and 3

Tuesday 29th November, 4pm to 5.30pm 

Kingdom at War: Planning a Civil War Local History Study

The Civil War reached every part of the country and each region has its own unique stories to tell.

In this session you will learn

  • Approaches to developing a local history study with a Civil War theme
  • How to find the stories of those whose lives were turned upside down on the Civil War Petitions website

You will also share practice and resources with colleagues across the country.

To enquire about this event, email