National Civil War Centre

Volunteer Insights - Linda

"When I first offered to help out with the crafts, I wasn't sure what it would involve. I had visions of bored children saying that crafts just weren't interesting enough, in today's world, where there is so much available to them on TV or on tablets. However, I had such special memories of making all sorts of weird and wonderful things with my own children, and grandchildren, I decided to get involved. In the run up to the school break, volunteers have a chance to road test the planned crafts, which is an opportunity to see how things work in practice, and to imagine how children of various ages will cope. There are always crafts or activities to suit various ages, which makes life easier. It's also a chance to meet fellow volunteers, and have a good chat and a laugh while we play! The craft sessions are never the same, as each child is encouraged to improvise and experiment, as it is meant to be fun, although a connection to history is at the heart of each idea. What I really enjoy is seeing the adults as engrossed as the child, working together in a world of their own. The only time I see any mobile phones come out is when they have finished, and are proudly taking a photo of their newly made keepsake. Volunteering for crafts has shown me that thankfully children can still lose themselves in such simple activities, and so can the adults." - Linda, National Civil War Centre Volunteer